<h2>A. Chromosome</h2>
In intermediate phase of cell cycle, DNA replication occurs (in S-phase), so in inter phase, DNA become unfolded and in relaxed state and is available for replicating machinery.
When cell enter into prophase, DNA folds, coils and super coils and finally become in condensed form, which can be seen by microscope.
So this compact form of DNA is called as chromosome.
In humans. there are total 46 chromosomes.
Answer: the expression of certain genes is affected by temperature
For organisms to survive changing environmental conditions, a lot of molecular processes occur in the genes.
For the arctic fox, enzymes coded by specific genes are periodically "switched on or off" depending on the temperature.
Thus, the change in colour can be EXPLAINED by the expression of certain genes affected by temperature
I think the answer is C. None of the other animals are mammals.
What's the options they gave you to chose from?