Long-term exposure to polluted air<span> can have permanent </span>health<span> effects such as: Accelerated aging of the lungs. Loss of lung capacity and decreased lung function. Development of </span>diseases<span> such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, and possibly cancer.</span>
We don't know what the options are so we can't help you with this question.
Explain the role of Calcium(Ca+) in askeletal muscle contraction. Role of calcium { Ca++}: By BONDING to the TROPONIN it causes the TROPOMYOSIN to MOVE from its blocking position on the active sites on the actin filaments SO the CROSS BRIDGES CAN ATTACH.
The blunde of His is an agruppation of neurons that are localized on the ventrical walls of the heart. It's mision is to transmit the nervous signals that come from the sinoatrial node that is located on the left atria of the heart, to the muscles that form the vertix of this organ, making them contract.
The answer is C: a collection of heart muscle component specializing in electrical conduction that allow the ventricles to contract.