An inference draws conclusions based on evidence gathered through observation. The conclusion is reached logically on the basis of facts known to be true or assumed to be true. An inference can be seen as an interpretation of what is observed. An inference is an element of reasoning, an act of thinking.
He first divided all living organisms in 2 groups
Animal or Plant
He then put these into subgroups
Animal subgroups: land, water, air
Plant subgroups, small medium or large
Not a very specific approach to taxonomy but it was used for well over 100 years
I Think this answer will help
Soda ash/sodium hydroxide injection
This treatment method is used if water is acidic (low pH). Soda ash (sodium carbonate) and sodium hydroxide raise the pH of water to near neutral when injected into a water system. Unlike neutralizing filters, they do not cause hardness problems in treated water.
You can look at the DNA under an electron microscope and analyze it
what else would you do with DNA eat it? Feed it to your dog?