The crops. Farms produced food. Plantations grew raw material for Industry, like Cotton, Tobacco, Indigo and Sugar for Rum. The Deep South Plantations were net Importers of food.
Because they are two totally different thing and need different things.
The renaissance impacted our world today because it started new techniques for creating paintings.
They were surprised because most of the beam of alpha were reflected while some of beam were deflected and very tiny pass through it
Patting Juba.
The Pattin Juba which is also known as hambone or Juba Dance is a traditional African American dance form. This dance form involves stomping, slapping and patting various body parts such as arms, legs, cheeks and chest etc. This dance form may involve counter-clockwise turns, usually with one leg, stomping and slapping etc. This dance form was brought by Kongo slaves to South Carolina and was popular among African Americans, who performed it during their gathering when they were not allowed to use any musical instruments.