voir dire
Voir dire is a legal term that refers to the obligation that implies that defendants swear to speak only true and honest information, before reporting their case to the jury, so that the jury can decide on the case, basing their opinions only on true information. . In other words, voir dire is the moment in judgment when participants swear to tell only the truth before they begin their testimony.
Different people have different alcohol absorption rates. This is genetic, and gets passed through one’s family.
C. Japanese Yakusa
Yakuza adopt samurai-like rituals and often bear elaborate body tattoos.
Answer: trump wants to secure our bodes and stabilize immigrants before we over flow and drown in dept
biden wants to do work withen or country by helping senoir cizens
if you need why not to both then Trump doent know how to bite his tongue and shutup that could lead to few proplems but
biden is a pedlafiler so pick ur battels.
hair sniffer or big mouth