The human heart is an organ that pumps blood throughout the body via the circulatory system, supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes.
1. The precession of the equinoxes.
2. Changes in the tilt angle of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun.
3. Variations in the eccentricity
These variations listed above; the precession of the equinoxes (refers, changes in the timing of the seasons of summer and winter), this occurs on a roughly about 26,000-year interval; changes in the tilt angle of Earth’s rotational axis relative to the plane of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, this occurs roughly in a 41,000-year interval; and changes in the eccentricity (that is a departure from a perfect circle) of Earth’s orbit around the Sun, occurring on a roughly 100,000-year timescale. which influences the mean annual solar radiation at the top of Earth’s atmosphere.
We will make the comparison between each of the sizes against the known wavelengths.
In the case of the <em>hydrogen atom</em>, we know that this is equivalent to
m on average, which corresponds to the wavelength corresponding to X-rays.
In the case of the <em>Virus</em> we know that it is oscillating in a size of 30nm to 200 nm, so the size of the virus is equivalent to the range of the wavelength of an ultraviolet ray.
In the case of <em>height</em>, it fluctuates in a person around
m, which falls to the wavelength of a radio wave.
Carbon disulfide soryy if im wrong\