Based on your problem where as ask for the distance of the ball drop between the pitchers mound and the home plate and with a given of the speed of ball is 43m/s and the homeplates is 60.6ft away. Based on my step by step procedure and also considering the value of gravity by 9.8m/s^2 i came up with the distance of 144m away
human body is answer according to our studies
1. The United States Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
FSIS has primary responsibility for the regulation of food labeling
for meat and poultry products under the FMIA(Federal Meat Inspection Act) and the PPIA(Poultry Products Inspection Acts) and is also
authorized to regulate food labeling for exotic species of animals under the
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946.
1. The magnet is magnetic and can attract iron articles.
2. The magnet has magnetic poles. Each magnet has two kinds of poles: N pole and S pole. They are in pairs.
3. Temporary magnet and permanent magnet: when the ferromagnetic material is magnetized, it is easy to lose the magnetic property, which is called temporary magnet (for example: iron); when the ferromagnetic material is magnetized, it is not easy to lose the magnetic property, which is called permanent magnet (for example: steel).
4. When two magnets are close to each other, the same poles will repel and push away from each other, and the different poles will attract and stick to each other. Therefore: the same pole repels each other, the different pole attracts each other.
5. The attraction of a magnetic object is called magnetism. An object is surrounded by a magnetic material. The area affected by the magnetic force is called the magnetic field.