Depends on what snacks. If it is unhealthy then no/false. If it is healthy then it is true.
Yes, there is a variety of things you can do to wear down the enamel. A few of the biggest things are: Drinking Coffee or soda, eating acidic foods and not brushing your teeth. Sadly you are not able to grow back your enamel after if it fully gone so it's best to protect your enamel as much as possible.
Guidline for teaching care of dentures is to Store dentures in cold water when not in use.
Denture care and maintenance:
Routine dental exams to evaluate oral health and denture wear are part of the proper care and maintenance of dentures. Denture loss is a possibility for patients who are hospitalized or stay in long-term care institutions. When not in use, they ought to be kept in a clearly marked container in a secure area. If a family member takes the dentures home, the staff should note it in the patient's health record.
Don gloves, transport the dentures to the sink in a clean container.
To avoid damage if you drop the dentures unintentionally, place a rag at the bottom of the sink and add some water.
Brush the dentures gently to avoid scratching with a toothbrush made for dentures and a small bit of nonabrasive cleanser. Pay close attention to the parts of the denture that touch your gums or mouth's roof.
To get rid of dirt and cleanser, thoroughly rinse the dentures in warm water.
Dentures should always be soaked when not in the mouth.
Store dentures in water or cleaning solution in a labeled container after removing them for the night and during sedative procedures.
To learn more about Dentures refer :
Weathering will be the correct answer to the question you have asked.
They don't effect one another..... Media has peimarily entertainment has so little effect on are "wellness".......