Certain treatments can be used to warm up the body during hypothermia, But, body tissue can be damaged if you do not correctly treat hypothermia with certain types of treatments. For example. If you are treating someone with hypothermia, you cant just get a bucket of hot water and throw it on them, It'll kill the nerves and cells in the area affected, Just like taking a hot shower if your really cold, again not a smart idea.
Smoking while driving
alcohol, opiods, and valium are all chemically altering substantces whereas smoking is not, even though they are all potentionally harmful.
B - Use mostly peer input when writing the employee's performance appraisal.
The appraisal of the employees should be documented. the employees should be analyzed based on their performance against the set standards. The employees should not be appraised on a few days performance, they should be appraised based on their entire time period performance. The appraisal should be communicated to the employees in a private meeting so they do not feel demotivated.
Well I don't really know medically but I have heard that Doctors don't recommend taking anymedicine while your pregnant unless your doctor has told you so or other wise it could be dangerous If you take a medicine without any permission while pregnant because it can be harmful to the baby!