Specific gravity is the density of asubstance divided by the density of water. Since (at standard temperature and pressure) water has a density of 1 gram/cm3, and since all of the units cancel, specific gravity is usually very close to the same value as density(but without any units).
multitide of uses (drinking, cleaning, cooking, transportation). Without water we would not survive. -Lead atoms bond together and they make up the lead that we use as a pencil. -Copper atoms, aluminum atoms, nickel atoms, etc., all make up metal which is used for a variety of things in everyday life.
The process of dissolving is exothermic when more energy is released when water molecules “bond” to the solute than is used to pull the solute apart. Because more energy is released than is used, the molecules of the solution move faster, making the temperature increase.
Project the image Endothermic Dissolving.
The process of dissolving is endothermic when less energy is released when water molecules “bond” to the solute than is used to pull the solute apart. Because less energy is released than is used, the molecules of the solution move more slowly, making the temperature decrease.
Decreasing the wavelength increases the frequency of a wave and vice versa, as long as the energy of the wave remains constant.
The energy of a wave is given by the formula;
E= hf
E = energy
h = Plank’s constant
f = frequency
Remember that f can be also represented as;
¹/ λ
λ = wavelength
Wavelength and frequency are therefore inversely proportional.
Decreasing the wavelength increases the frequency of a wave and vice versa, as long as the energy of the wave remains constant.
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For more on frequency and wavelength of waves check out;