Protein-energy malnutrition is a form of undernutrition caused by an extremely deficient intake of calories, protein, or both. Two examples of this type of malnutrition are kwashiokor and marasmus. Protein-energy malnutrition is more often caused by decreased absorption or abnormal metabolism. It is defined as a range of pathological conditions arising from coincident lack of protein and/or energy in varying proportions. The condition vary in forms ranging from mild through moderate to severe degrees.
there would be no ecosystem
He used a simple microscope
Water can act as either a base or an acid. Water acts as an acid by donating a hydrogen ion when it reacts with a stronger base such as sodium hydroxide. Water may also act as a base when it accepts hydrogen ion when reacting with a strong acid such as hydrochloric acid. This is based on Bronsted concept and definition of a base ( proton acceptor) and acid (proton donor). Such a compound that can act as a base and as an acid is called an amphiprotic molecule.
Biological hazards include microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, yeasts, molds and parasites. Some of these are pathogens or may produce toxins. A pathogenic microorganism causes disease and can vary in the degree of severity