About 50 percent of all new cases of STIs worldwide occur in people under the age of 26. This is normally caused by; having unprotected sex, tattooing/drugs, sharing of needles used for piercing, becoming sexually active at a young age, having multiple numbers of partners, and previously having acquired an STI.
One treatment option for depression could be counseling or therapy
While we have come a long way in terms of accepting that mental heath issues are important and should be dealt with, there is still a lot of people who do not fully understand how deeply some people are affected by it.
Mental health is as important part of your overall health. It is important that mental disorders are understood fully by everyone, as much as physical illnesses are.
A: The pathway of air goes from the nasal cavity (or oral cavity) to the pharynx to the trachea to the primary bronchi (right and left) to the secondary bronchi to the tertiary bronchi to bronchioles to the alveoli (site of gas exchange)
B: when relaxed, the diaphragm is a dome shape. when we inhale, the diaphragm flattens down, increasing the thorax volume. this reduces the pressure in the thorax, so air moves into the lungs to equalize the pressure. when we exhale the diaphragm moves back into its relaxed dome position.
<span>Leisure-time activities are enjoyed when not working. true </span>