The force F is created by the reaction of the Earth to the thrust of the rods, whereby the thrust is created by a force of action and reaction.
To answer this question, let's write Newton's second law of the two axes
Y Axis
Fy + N - W = 0
Fy + N = W
X axis
Fx - fr = 0
Fx = fr
The force F is created by the reaction of the Earth to the thrust of the rods, whereby the thrust is created by a force of action and reaction.
The direction of this force is along the length of the rods that are in an Angle, where the x and y components of the force come from
In general this force is small because the rubbing of the skis is small
The plank (also called a front hold, hover, or abdominal bridge) is an isometric core strength exercise that involves maintaining a position similar to a push-up for the maximum possible time