The spring constant = 9.25 N/m
The equation of an object attached to a spring that is oscillating is
T = 2π√(m/k)
Where T = period of the oscillation, m = mass of the object, k = spring constant.
Making k the subject of the equation,
k = 4π²m/T²......................... Equation 1
Note: Period(T) is the time taken to complete one oscillation
Given: T = t/10 = 9.0/10 = 0.9 s, m = 190 g = 0.19 kg.
Constant: π = 3.14
Substitute these values into equation 1.
k = 4(3.14)²(0.19)/0.9²
k = 7.4933/0.81
k = 9.25 N/m
Thus the spring constant = 9.25 N/m
Note that both of the falsifiable claims in this example happen to be true. The claim about Kennedy being the 35th President is falsifiable because it can be checked against historical records. The claim that Kennedy died from a bullet in his brain is falsifiable because it could have been shown false by the medical examiner. The remaining claims are not falsifiable: Statements that call on any type of supernatural being are by definition out of the realm of science. Similarly, a claim of something being "undetectable" could not be falsified, and a claim about what Kennedy would have done if he had lived is a conjecture that cannot be disproven.
En 1589 Galileo realizó un experimento lanzando dos bolas de diferentes masas desde la famosa Torre Inclinada de Pisa para demostrar que el tiempo de caída es independiente de la masa de la bola. A través de este experimento, Galileo descubrió que los cuerpos caían casi simultáneamente, refutando la teoría de Aristóteles de que la tasa de caída era proporcional a la masa del cuerpo.
Debido a la imperfección de los equipo de medición de esa época, la caída libre de los cuerpos era casi imposible de estudiar. En busca de una forma de reducir la velocidad de movimiento, Galileo reemplazó la caída libre por rodar sobre una superficie inclinada, donde había velocidades y resistencia del aire significativamente más bajas. Se notó que con el tiempo, la velocidad del movimiento aumenta: los cuerpos se mueven con aceleración. Se concluyó que la velocidad y la aceleración no dependen ni de la masa ni del material de la pelota.
It hit Earth like a really long time ago, so many rocks and soil should have been piled on top of the crater because of wind, rain, etc.
Also, it is really deep and really old so when it is old, it gets less visible to the naked eye.
The heat of fusion for water is the amount of energy needed for water to <span>melt. (c)</span>