Well first off we need to know how to round or what rounding is. Rounding is the approximation of numbers usually decimals to a approximate cut off number for numbers that are too long or hard to work with/remember. To round a number you simply need to look at the number behind that number whether its a whole number (integer) or a decimal, either one will work. Now continuing on (on) how to round the number, look at the number after it and if it is 5 or above the number rounds up +1 and all numbers behind that turn to 0. For example 3.25500 round to the nearest hundredth, 3.26(000). Now if the number is 4 or smaller then you don't do anything at all (no rounding) and all the numbers after the being rounded number turn to 0's like so, 3.254(0000) rounded to the nearest hundredth, 3.25(00000). So now that we know how to round and what rounding is we need to look at are hundredth place on are number here and see what the next number is after that, in this case it is 0 because there is no stated number there the default next number is 0 like so,
2.750 and because 0 is under 5 we don't do any rounding at all here and just leave it as it is. So 2.75 rounded to the nearest hundredth is 2.75
4x-5= 5 less than the product of 4 and a number. 4 (x-5)= The product of 4 and the difference of a number and 5. 4(x+5) = The product of 4 and the sum of a number and 5.
Step-by-step explanation:
I took the test online in K12 and when I reviewed it said that those are the correct answer.
We want to find the coeficient of the y terms when added together so find all the y terms
+12y and +2y
we add them together
coeficient is 14
the constant is the number that is set already or the number that doesn't have it multiplied by a placeholder exg. 4 is a constnat but 4x is not so find the constants
+5 and +8
we add
the constant is 13
y coeficient=14
Step-by-step explanation:
All real number less than 5
Step 1:
In this question, we are given the following:
Step 2:
The details of the solution are as follows:
What variable expression should you subtract from both sides of the equation so that you are left with no variables on the right-hand side?
The variable expression is: subtract 5x from both sides so that you are left with no variables on the right-hand side

The final answer is: