Every number that has 0 as last digit and isn't decimal number, can be divided by 10 without remainder. It works for both positive or negative numbers. If last digit is different from 0, you will have remainder equal to that last digit. Even number 0 is divisible by 10 (the answer is 0 of course) because its last and only digit is 0.
8 < x < 22
Step-by-step explanation:
If x is the third side , then
difference of 2 sides < x < sum of 2 sides , that is
15 - 7 < x < 15 + 7
8 < x < 22
That is not possible, since 20 has the factors of 1,2,4,5,10, and 20. None of those add up to 17, maybe your question has a mistake in it. For further questions, you can message me. Hope this helps! Please rate brainiest answer.
In my opinion I would say Tax Dollars
Hope This Helps! Have A Nice Day!!