2. Same force; same impulse; Mini Cooper has greater change in velocity
4. Same momentum
6. It is distributed to the two halves
I will do the even problems as examples.
2. From Newton's third law, we know the bulldozer and Mini Cooper will experience equal but opposite forces. So the magnitude of the force is the same.
Impulse is force times time. Since the force is the same, and the amount of time is the same, then the impulse is the same.
Impulse is equal to change in momentum, or mass times change in velocity. Since the Mini Cooper has the smaller mass, it has the greater change in velocity.
4. Momentum is mass times velocity. The weight of the rover is different on Mars than on Earth, but the mass is still the same. Therefore, if the rover moves at the same speed, it will have the same momentum.
6. The pencil's momentum is conserved. When the pencil breaks in half, half the momentum goes to one half of the pencil, and half the momentum goes to the other half of the pencil.