A genetic trait that helps an organism be more successful in its environment
None of the choices would lead to all identical gametes.
Gametes are sex cells produced by sexually reproducing organims via a process of cell division called MEIOSIS. Meiosis is a cell division process which produces four (4) daughter cells (gametes), which are genetically different from the parent cell.
The difference in genetical content is as a result of a process unique to only meiosis called CROSSING-OVER OR RECOMBINATION. This process ensures that the genetic content of the gametes are altered. Hence, since gamete formation is done via meiosis, none of the scenarios in the option will lead to all identical gametes.
Plants need this waxy outer coating, also known as a cuticle, for a
variety of reasons. The cuticle keeps the important things the plant
needs in, such as water and carbon dioxide, and the things the plant
doesn't need, such as too much heat, out. It performs a few different
functions, including protecting the important cells needed for
The fish that were following the other fish around.
Answer: Carbon dioxide
Krebs cycle, also known as the citric acid cycle or TCA, uses 1 glucose molecule to produce 2 acetyl Co-A molecules which in turn are broken down to release:
1) 4 CO2
3) 6NADH
4) 2ATP