The left and right index finger
Left index finger: R, T, F, G, C, V
Right index finger: Y, U, H, J, B, N
An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as an integer or string. Arrays are commonly used in computer programs to organize data so that a related set of values can be easily sorted or searched.
The answer is "Recovery Plan for Disasters".
In the given statement, some of the information is missing, which can be described as follows:
A) systems engineering plan
B) security compliance plan
C) risk assessment plan
D) Recovery Plan for Disasters
It is a set of guidelines for the execution of a recovery process, it provides the restoration and safety to the system for the organization in the event of a disaster. It defined as "a detailed summary of the appropriate acts to be carried out before, during and after a disaster", and incorrect choices were explained as follows:
- In option A, It is used to design and analyze complex systems.
- In option B, It provides frameworks for the corporate evaluation process.
- In option C, It is used to identify the problems.
If it's a hardware problem, find a mechanic or buy replacement parts.
If it's a software issue, someone ranked high on Brainky may know the programming language.
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