Therefore, a 10x eyepiece used with a 40X objective lens, will produce a magnification of 400X. The naked eye can now view the specimen at a magnification 400 times greater and so microscopic details are revealed. More on objective lenses here. Magnification is the ability to view an object as larger.
Answer the Air Pollution From a Power Plant photograph. Tell students that pollutants emitted into the atmosphere do not stay in the atmosphere or even directly above the polluting source forever. They move throughout the atmosphere and are moved and removed by natural processes.
Answer: 1. a. logistics model of growth
2. a. environmental conditions
3. b. all limiting factors
4. b. water availability
1. a. logistic model of growth will show the increase in population of a species in accordance with the carrying capacity exponentially but when the population will experience the scarcity of resources it will decline considerably.
Carrying capacity is the total number of members of the population of a species that an ecosystem can sustain by providing resources.
2. b. All environmental conditions which favor the survival of the living beings will contribute to the carrying capacity for example food, water, shelter, and other resources.
3. b. Limiting factor is the one which limit the chances of survival and growth of a particular species in an ecosystem. For example, scarcity of food, here food is the limiting factor.
4. d. A density dependent limiting factor is the one which affects the population of the species based upon the density. The water availability is a density dependent limiting factor because the more the density or abundance of a population more will be the scarcity of water as it will be required by all organisms. So, the species population may experience decline due scarcity of water.
When temp rises the liquid rises to temp and when temp drops liquid drops to temp