What are the effects? you need to add more details, or add an attachment...
Are you solving for x or y?
If x, 1. is x=3-3y/2
if y, 1. is y=2-2x/3
if x, 2. is x=-3y/2+3/4
if y, 2 is y=-2x/3+1/2
Adults should<span> do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes </span>each week<span>of aerobic </span>physical activity<span> at a moderate level OR 1 hour and 15 minutes </span>each week<span> of aerobic </span>physical activity<span> at a vigorous level.</span>
where are the answers???????
If you use the same mesurment system no one gets confused and everyone is on the same page