Yes it is a function the x’values do not repeat
The segment MN is equal in size to the segment JK, the segment NO is equal in size to the segment KL, the segment OP is equal in size to the segment LP.
This graph has been translated. Translation is when the image on the graph has been shifted along one or both of the axis. In this case, the graph has been shifted up two units as shown by the operation of addition on the y-value. Remember that translations are rigid movements, so the new image will be congruent to the pre-image.
Step-by-step explanation:
√44 = √(4 x 11) = √4√11 = 2√11
Imaginary number is one that when squared gives a negative result. ... With imaginary numbers, when you square them, the answer is negative. They are written like a real number, but with the letter i after them, like this: 23iThe letter i means it is an imaginary number.