Which of the following statements about lunar phases is true? (A) Only one quarter of the first-quarter moon is illuminated by t
he Sun.(B) It is possible to have two full moons during January, but not during February.(C) It is possible to have two full moons during November, but not during December.(D) The time between new moons is two weeks.(E) The full moon sometimes rises around midnight.
A) At any point of time half of the moon is always illuminated by the sun. We are able to see only the part of the moon which is facing us.
B) Typically a Lunar cycle phases take 29.5 days to complete one cycle i.e. it will take 29.5 days for one event say full moon to reoccur. So except for February all the other month can have two full moons.
C) As explained in the above answer any month except February can have two full moons.
D) The tame taken between new moon is 29.5 days.
E) Full moon always rises at the sunset and sets at the sunrise
Physiological – special ways that animals' bodies work to help them survive in whatever condition they're in, such as camels in the desert conserving water and being able to go days without drinking.