The levels of organization go as follows:
Atom - the building blocks of all living and nonliving material
Molecule - two or more atoms that join together in chemical bond
Organelle - two or more molecules working together to perform a particular function in a cell
Cell - the smallest unit that exhibits all of the characteristics of life
<u>Tissue - two or more cells that work together to perform a particular function</u>
Organ - two or more tissues that work together to perform a particular function
Organ System - two or more organs that work together to perform a particular function
Multi-Celled Organism - two or more organ systems that work together
Biomolecules are organic compounds that are present as essential components of living things. There are four major biomolecules namely lipids, proteins, carbohydrates and nucleic acids. Proteins, lipids and glucose are usually used by organisms as energy sources as well as structural components among other functions in living organisms. Nucleic acids are important components that bring about heredity. In this case the appropriate molecule to be chosen by the long distance learner would be carbohydrate because it stores and may be used as a source of energy.
because A detritivore (also known as decomposers) is an animal that feeds on dead organisms(living things) and breaks them down into smaller molecules. Detritivores are essential in the ecosystem as they return important materials such as carbon (see carbon cycle) back into the environment. Examples of common detritivores include earthworms and woodlice, but also includes microscopic (things that can only be seen using a microscope) bacteria.