Pueden producirse tos, babeo, incapacidad para deglutir, vómitos, a veces con sangre, y sensación de ahogo. En casos graves debidos a sustancias cáusticas, la persona puede presentar una presión arterial muy baja (choque o shock), ahogo o dolor torácico, lo que posiblemente acabe siendo mortal.
I think it might be B-memory problems but I’m not sure so if I’m wrong then sorry lol.
This is a tricky question - new studies actually show that people who skip breakfast aren't at all heavier than people who don't skip it. The myth that people who regularly breakfast aren't as heavy as people who do skip it has arisen through bad scientific studies that were being conducted in the past. Newer ones, however, show that this isn't the case. For that reason, your question is invalid :)
10 years ago, when recommended that no more than 10 percent of daily calories come from sugar. Sugar intake directly leads to obesity and tooth decay.