The wide range of eye color indicates that eye color is...polygenic
D. Biology. In forensics, they use DNA-related evidence, and DNA relates to biology.
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The appropriate answer is D ! in this the dominant allele is not fully dominant ! this is seen in Snapdragon !
so answer is D
Given that the trihybrid parents have AaBbCc genotype for fruit color. The trait is a quantitative trait i.e. each dominant allele will have an additive effect on it. In this case, AaBbCc and AABBCC will not produce same fruit color because AaBbCc has only three loci contributing to the color while in AABBCC all the six loci are contributing to the color. For an offspring to be exactly similar to the AaBbCc parents it should have the same genotype of AaBbCc.
The probability of Aa to come from a cross between Aa and Aa is 2/4 or 1/2
The probability of Bb to come from a cross between Bb and Bb is 2/4 or 1/2
The probability of Cc to come from a cross between Cc and Cc is 2/4 or 1/2
So the collective probability of AaBbCc offspring from a cross between AaBbCc and AaBbCc parents would be=
1/2 * 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/8
Hence, assuming no effects of the environment, 1/8 of the offspring will have the same fruit color phenotype as the trihybrid parent.