Because the cave art found in Indonesia shared similarities with the cave art in western Europe—namely, that early people seemed to have a fascination animals, and had a propensity for painting abstractions of those animals in caves—many scientists now believe that the impressive works are evidence of the way the human
Daoism is a religious tradition within Chinese and Japanese culture which specifically emphasizes living in harmony with your surroundings. According to my research on Daoism, I can say that based on the information provided within the question it is Landscape Paintings which draw inspiration from the beliefs of Daoism.
I hope this answered your question. If you have any more questions feel free to ask away at Brainly.
Matt and Kim will meet one another at the movies I hope that it makes sense to you
- Reduction in interest for people to join the activity.
- Harder implementation.
Development activities tend to be created by the government if they wanted to increase the quality of workforce that they have. They usually do this through courses or public presentation.
If the government let some members of the public to participate, it can contribute to the overall success of these activities.
For example, the government can cooperate with the people that have high respect in a certain community to advocate for the program. These type of people have the power to inspire other member of the communities to participate in the programs.
Removing public participation will make the activities look like another effort from politicians to gained support rather than activities that created to genuinely help the people.
Que la primera guerra mundial fue consecuencia directa del nuevo
imperialismo de las principales potencias del siglo XIX, la más
interesada en la guerra era Reino Unido ya q Alemania estaba emergiendo
desde su unificación como la primera potencia y amenazaba fuertemente su
industria y marina, la otra gran interesada era Francia ya q después d
la derrota en la guerra franco prusiana quería la revancha para
recuperar Alsacia y Lorena, ahora a todo este ambiente d tención
cualquier pretexto era bueno para comenzar la guerra, pero en si lo q
pretendía el imperialismo d principios del siglo XX era tener el mayor
número d colonias para tener el mayor número d productos para la
El imerialismo antes d la segunda guerra mundial no fue el mismo q en el
caso anterior, ya q el mundo apenas se recuperaba de la crisis d 1929,
fue en esta época cuando Reino Unido alcanzo su máxima extensión
colonial sin embargo aquí el detonante fue la ideología d Hitler d
recuperar territorios perdidos y d expandir Alemania lo q causó la
Segunda Guerra Mundial cuando invadio Polonia, cabe destacar q después d
la segunda guerra mundial la mayoría d los países africanos y d las
colonias británicas se independizaron </span>