B lymphocytes
Antibodies are produced by specialized white blood cells called B cells (B lymphocytes)
The answer would be C because the car is can be refueled just like a normal car but is mostly powered by a electrical battery/motor
Answer: Predicting the size, location, and timing of natural hazards is ... of understanding that can be used to predict natural hazards
Cockroaches are generalized insects with few special adaptations, and may be among the most primitive living Neopteran insects. They have a relatively small head and a broad, flattened body, and most species are reddish-brown to dark brown. They have large compound eyes, two ocelli, and long, flexible antennae.</h2>
three pairs
Thorax. On the thorax, all cockroaches have three pairs of legs. Adults of most of the domestic species have two pairs of wings, although one species, the oriental cockroach, has poorly- developed wings in both sexes.
Definition. Predation refers to a flow of energy between two organisms, predator and prey. ... The word 'predation' derives from the Latin word praedari, meaning 'to plunder'. Predation includes carnivory, as well as interactions like grazing, parasitism, and symbiotic mutualism.
An example of predation is an animal eyeing its next kill for supper. noun.
explanation technical the act of killing and eating other animals : the act of preying on other animals.