Feeling sad is a natural reaction to situations that cause emotional upset or pain. There are varying degrees of sadness. But like other emotions, ...
anybody can have depresion
False. The dimensions of wellness are all connected so they do influence each other.
This statement is true
Although the question is incomplete, the statement provided is true. A good example to back this statement would be the example of mosquitoes.
If is mostly common knowledge that mosquitoes are the reason for the continued spread of the malarial parasite. It is also known that mosquitoes are more prevalent in the months of summer, and fewer in the winter months. Hence, if there is an increase in overall temperature, this means that mosquitoes can appear earlier and disappear later, leaving a larger window for infection.
One of the main premises in the study of the immunology of exercise is the possible role that exercise or physical activity may have in both prevention and cure of diseases; and, specifically, in the chronic and acute responses of the immune system to exercise.
The person will most likely become obese and gain weight because they are intaking 1,000 extra calories then they should