A town is severely affected by water pollution following a natural disaster. Toilets are backed up and clean drinking water is s
carce. Which steps can the local health department take to help? Check all that apply. 1 Set up a health clinic to treat waterborne diseases.
2 Oversee the day-to-day cases reported by those affected.
3Work with governments in other countries to stop water pollution. 4Enforce current water laws regarding the discharge of human waste.
5Monitor and report any sudden outbreaks of water related diseases.
I'm stuck between 1, 4 and 5. 1) Since it's water there is going to be waterborne diseases, but fixing the pollution in the town seems to be the best option 4.) Enforcing water laws can lower the chance of having waterborne diseases that might happen. 5) Related to #1, it'll help keep the sickness down if it was monitored and reported to local hospitals