The sequence of DNA is transcribed into mRNA, containing the sequence for protein synthesis, protein is synthesized according to the codons in mRNA. This sequence of nucleotide on DNA/ RNA is divided into a series of three nucleotide units, and one unit of three nucleotide is known as codons.
There are overall 64 codons, 61 codons out of 64 codons, codes for overall 20 amino acids, and the remaining three are stop codons.
These there codon do not code for any amino acid.
And these 61 codons, they code for total 20 amino acids. So one amino acid can be coded by one or more than one codons.
A mother's diet before conception can permanently affect how her child's genes function, according to a study published in Nature Communications. A 2003 study found that a female mouse's diet can change her offspring's coat color by permanently modifying DNA methylation.
71 percent. hope this helps
El sistema nervioso tiene dos partes principales: El sistema nervioso central está compuesto por el cerebro y la médula espinal. El sistema nervioso periférico está compuesto por todos los nervios que se ramifican desde la médula espinal y se extienden a todas las partes del cuerpo.