I'm not sure what "60 degree horizontal" means.
I'm going to assume that it means a direction aimed 60 degrees
above the horizon and 30 degrees below the zenith.
Now, I'll answer the question that I have invented.
When the shot is fired with speed of 'S' in that direction,
the horizontal component of its velocity is S cos(60) = 0.5 S ,
and the vertical component is S sin(60) = S√3/2 = 0.866 S . (rounded)
-- 0.75 of its kinetic energy is due to its vertical velocity.
That much of its KE gets used up by climbing against gravity.
-- 0.25 of its kinetic energy is due to its horizontal velocity.
That doesn't change.
-- So at the top of its trajectory, its KE is 0.25 of what it had originally.
That's E/4 .
theanswer is b.heart disease
Please help on any part you can. I know it is a lot but any help I’d greatly appreciate. I attempted the problem but still do not understand. Thank you so much!
Please help on any part you can. I know it is a lot but any help I’d greatly appreciate. I attempted the problem but still do not understand. Thank you so much!

Electro waves in a vacuum air is deals with this and electricity when the air and the electricity it makes electro magnets.
The answer would be 981 newtons or 220.46 pounds.