Near sightedness is a condition whereby the eyeball is too long or cornea has excess curvature such that light entering the eye is focused in front of the retina rather on the retina itself.
The exact cause of nearsightedness is unknown but there are two factors that may be responsible for its development.
1. Visual stress
2. Heredity
Individuals who spend considerable time reading or working at a computer or engage in other types of intense close visual work may develop nearsightedness.
There is credible evidence that many people inherit nearsightedness or are at least predisposed to the condition, especially if both parents suffer from the condition.
Far sightedness (hyperopia) is a condition where the eye is shorter than normal, the cornea is not curved quite enough or the lens sits further back in the eye than is normal.
This condition can be inherited especially if both parents suffer from it.
The other cause is through diseases like diabetes or glaucoma.
1. the improper functioning of the body brought about by heredity, infection, diet, or the environment
2. cannot be spread through contact or any mechanism of transmission
non - infectious disease
3. caused by the spread of harmful microorganisms
infectious disease
4. caused by the multiplication of a small infectious agent which invades a host cell and then destroys it
viral infection
5. caused by the reproduction of a small infectious agent which produces poisons that destroy cells
bacterial infection
6. caused by the multiplication of fungal organisms on or in the body
fungal infection
7. caused by microscopic parasites
protozoan infection
You should do your weight divided by your age and the number in total is the amount of water you should drink a day to be healthy. <span />
The vaccines that are required by law, according to the Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 are:
1. Diptheria, Pertussis and Tetanus Vaccine (DTP, DTap, DT, TT or Td)
2. Measles, Mumps and Rubella Vaccine (MMR)
3. Chickenpox Vaccine (Varicella)
4. Rotavirus and Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines
5. Haemophilus Influenzae type b Vaccine (Hib)
Your performing cardiovascular exercise
you don't work at too high an intensity level
your heart is strengthened<span />