sometimes sunset could sometimes cause a pink and orange cloud
Suppose earth is a soid sphere which will attract the body towards its centre.So, acc. to law of gravitation force on the body will be,
but we now that F=ma
and here accleration(a)=accleration due to gravity(g),so
force applied by earth on will also be mg
replace above F in formula by mg and solve,
F=G*mE*m/R^2 ( here mE is mass of earth and m is mass of body)
g =G*mE/R^2
a. 572Btu/s
a.Assume a steady state operation, KE and PE are both neglected and fluids properties are constant.
From table A-3E, the specific heat of water is
, and the steam properties as, A-4E:

Using the energy balance for the system:

Hence, the rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger is 572Btu/s
b. Heat gained by the water is equal to the heat lost by the condensing steam.
-The rate of steam condensation is expressed as:

Entropy generation in the heat exchanger could be defined using the entropy balance on the system:

Hence,the rate of entropy generation in the heat exchanger. is 0.1483Btu/s.R
A. inertia
Because it has to do with the motion of something, especially if it changes its pace. In this example, the book's motion, when sliding on the table, decreased because of less force being given off from the student.