<em>The invisible hand concept</em>
The invisible hand concept is a metaphor which describes the actions of a person who performs certain tasks for his own benefit but his actions also lead to being a help for the public or a society.
In the scenario, mentioned in the question, Sergio wanted to earn a nice amount of profit for himself by setting up a consulting business. In his effort to do this, he benefited the society by helping them with their computer problems. Hence, this is an example of invisible hand concept.
Extended self
When certain objects and people are seen to be a part of us, this is considered to be our extended self. They extend our identify beyond our mind and body alone. Therefore, when something breaks or when someone dies, we feel their loss deeply. What Bart observed was a class difference in how people manifest their relationship between external objects and the external self.
Your correct answer is True
Yes, it is true. The array of significant individuals who serve as sources of social support is called the social.
First blank: Higher
Second blank: Higher
Explanation: International trade refers to the exchange of capital, goods, and services among states or territories. It has a great impact on gross domestic product (GDP) of the territories involved.
However, since there is mutual dependence between the territories, the political and economic status of the states will influence there agreements and resolutions.
Hence, international trade results in higher exposure to international political risk and higher exposure to international economic conditions.
This statement is true.
Creativity is one's ability to <em>transform/ invent new ideas or concepts</em>, creating original solutions. A creative individual tends to be able to <em>perceive different patterns and connections</em> from what is usually common.
Novelty refers to an uncommon idea, not usually given by a lot of individuals. This is why one of the criteria people use to attribute creativity to something is novelty, because it is <em>out of the ordinary and new</em>. A way to "measure" creativity is by its value in creation.