<u>Drop caps are a specific kind of initial letter, large letters that appear at the beginning of a block of text. ... A drop cap is often used to signify that the reader's moved into a significant new section, or that a new chapter's begun.</u>
<u>Drop caps are a specific kind of initial letter, large letters that appear at the beginning of a block of text. ... A drop cap is often used to signify that the reader's moved into a significant new section, or that a new chapter's begun.A drop cap (dropped capital) is a large capital letter used as a decorative element at the beginning of a paragraph or section. The size of a drop cap is usually two or more lines. The following illustration shows your options for positioning a drop cap.</u>
You answer questions and complete challenges to get points, and for higher levels, you also have to get enough Brainliest answers.
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What fraction of a day is 6 hours?
Choose 1 answer
</p><p> // The function evaluates the answer and displays result</p><p> function displayAnswer1() {</p><p> if (document.getElementById('option-11').checked) {</p><p> document.getElementById('block-11').style.border = '3px solid limegreen'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-11').style.color = 'limegreen'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-11').innerHTML = 'Correct!'</p><p> }</p><p> if (document.getElementById('option-12').checked) {</p><p> document.getElementById('block-12').style.border = '3px solid red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-12').style.color = 'red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-12').innerHTML = 'Incorrect!'</p><p> showCorrectAnswer1()</p><p> }</p><p> if (document.getElementById('option-13').checked) {</p><p> document.getElementById('block-13').style.border = '3px solid red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-13').style.color = 'red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-13').innerHTML = 'Incorrect!'</p><p> showCorrectAnswer1()</p><p> }</p><p> if (document.getElementById('option-14').checked) {</p><p> document.getElementById('block-14').style.border = '3px solid red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-14').style.color = 'red'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-14').innerHTML = 'Incorrect!'</p><p> showCorrectAnswer1()</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> // the functon displays the link to the correct answer</p><p> function showCorrectAnswer1() {</p><p> let showAnswer1 = document.createElement('p')</p><p> showAnswer1.innerHTML = 'Show Corrent Answer'</p><p> showAnswer1.style.position = 'relative'</p><p> showAnswer1.style.top = '-180px'</p><p> showAnswer1.style.fontSize = '1.75rem'</p><p> document.getElementById('showanswer1').appendChild(showAnswer1)</p><p> showAnswer1.addEventListener('click', () => {</p><p> document.getElementById('block-11').style.border = '3px solid limegreen'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-11').style.color = 'limegreen'</p><p> document.getElementById('result-11').innerHTML = 'Correct!'</p><p> document.getElementById('showanswer1').removeChild(showAnswer1)</p><p> })</p><p> }</p><p>
3.<p> rows="5" cols="30"</p><p> placeholder="type text.">
4. <p>I will display €</p>
<p>I will display ∂</p>
<p>I will display ∃</p>
5. <input type="submit">
6. This code should be the first code
<!-- This is a comment -->
<p>Start Test.</p>
<!-- Remember to add more information here -->
This code should be the last and at the end of the of the html code
<!-- This is a comment -->
<p>End Test.</p>
<!-- Remember to add more information here -->
Notice: Answers may not be accurate and may be accurate. And pls endeavor to edit any part of the html code.
D that is the answer but I need 20 words to send this text
Procedural language-is the programming language that is used for solving the issue with the help of step-by-step procedure.The procedure steps and result are both important .The advantage of this language are as follows:-
- Clarity in the process that is carried out
- Efficiently working programming language
- Has algorithmic property
Non-procedural language-It is the programming language in which the steps of the process is not specified and result is the only focus that is obtained with the help of user. The advantage of this language are as follows:-
- Short process for solving problem
- Combining several steps of process into one