Providing leadership, maintaining order, providing public services, national security, economic security, and economic assistance.
The six function of United States government are providing leadership which lead the country on the path of prosperity, maintaining law and order, providing public services such as justice, food and shelter, providing security to the citizen against internal and external threats, providing economic security in order to maintain the economy better, and providing economic assistance whenever a citizen needed any help in their business through loans.
The correct answer is B) Goods and services are produced and distributed.
That is the correct answers because I went and looked that question that you had asked up on google and just typed in the answer that google had gave me in so that I could send it to you for your answer. So you are welcome. I hope that I had gave you the correct answer. Please let me know if I had gave you the incorrect answer okay?
Please give me a rating if you think I had gave you the correct answer. I will let you know how many points I am giving out to people all right?
Characteristics of the Articles of Confederation
Cornwallis's defeat at Yorktown