According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, massage-therapy jobs grow from 2010 to 2020 by 20 percent.
Answer: Option B
When it comes to career, we often find it difficult to make the decision as to which profession or occupation we want to pursue. We often look for career where there is job security but such job rarely offers you flexibility. But that is not the case with massage therapy jobs.
As per the Statistics of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, this profession has great potential for growth as it is estimated that massage therapy jobs will grow at the rate of 20% from 2010 to 2020 which is 6% more than the average growth of all professions
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Law : A certain set of rules that must be followed by the people within a certain community which influence the way those people behave.
Business Law: : Laws that applied when people are engaging in commerce, merchandising, trade, and sales.
Business laws only affect people's behavior within the realm of business, while laws will affect all people in general. Business laws tend to be stricter in countries which implement free market system. These laws were created to make sure that the businesses could compete fairly while ensuring that they're fulfilling their responsibilities to the society.
The correct answer is B. The Paradox of Plenty (also known as the Resource Curse) refers to how the discovery an abundance of natural resources (such as oils, fossil fuels and minerals), does not necessarily mean that the nation in question will have a major economic growth, in fact, it usually results in less democracy, and worse development outcomes than countries with fewer natural resources. This impacts the country very negatively and reduces productive activity drastically.