A transverse wave is a wave where the particles in the medium move perpendicular (at right angles) to the direction of the source or its propagation (think of a snake slithering through grass) an example of a transverse wave could be a light wave. Light waves for instance don’t need a medium in order to propagate but transverse waves in general do need a medium.
a . 0.35cm
b. 11.33cm
a. Given both currents are in the same direction, the null point lies in between them. Let x be distance of N from first wire, then distance from 2nd wire is 4-x
#For the magnetic fields to be zero,the fields of both wires should be equal and opposite.They are only opposite in between the wires:

Hence, for currents in same direction, the point is 0.35cm
b. Given both currents flow in opposite directions, the null point lies on the other side.
#For the magnetic fields to be zero,the fields of both wires should be equal and opposite.They are only opposite in outside the wires:
Let x be distance of N from first wire, then distance from 2nd wire is 4+x:

Hence, if currents are in opposite directions the point on x-axis is 11.33cm
Voltage-gated calcium ion channels open, and calcium ions diffuse into the cell
Mustard seeds, both white and brown, are nearly globular in shape, finely pitted, odourless when whole, and pungent-tasting
Image result for character of hydra
Introduction: Hydra are inconspicuous freshwater relatives of corals, sea anemones and jellyfish. All are members of the phylum Cnidaria, characterized by radially symmetrical bodies, presence of stinging tentacles and a simple gut with only one opening (gastrovascular cavity)
Hydra are a genus of small, fresh-water organisms that are classified under the phylum Cnidaria.the classification of mustard is
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