Toasting in a toaster is usually considered by (infra red) radiation. But the hot coils touch the toast so an element of heating by conduction occurs as well.
Because they are not supported by the results of any legitimate investigation
that's conducted in accordance with the Scientific Method.
You may say:
"Well then, teach both lines of reasoning,
and let each student decide for himself."
This is suggested by the same people who aren't ready to let their
fourth-grader choose his own clothing, dinner menu, or school.
And it sounds reasonable to a vast mass of citizens who have decided
for them selves that the jury is still out on climate change.
What I'm saying is this:
-- The Scientific Method is a METHOD of investigation that's designed
and developed to remove the effects of human prejudice from the
collection and evaluation of evidence, and to be able to tell bogus
conclusions apart from true ones. It's the most reliable way we have
of asking and answering questions about the natural world.
-- Some questions CAN'T be studied with the Scientific Method,
because experiments generally can't be constructed. These include
matters of religion and faith. Nobody can flatly state that those are
right or wrong. We have no reliable way to say, either way.
The only way to decide is . . . faith.
-- It is illegitimate to take the answer to a question of faith that can't be
derived scientifically, and a scientifically derived conclusion, set them
down next to each other on the same table, and pretend that they can be
-- When you put them next to each other, say that they're equivalent,
and tell people "go ahead and choose one or the other", the situation
is bogus, the comparison is dishonest, and people who are untrained
or uneducated or immature are not qualified to "choose".
That's why.
This is my opinion. I could be wrong.
Personally, I happen to be a believer. But I cannot prove anything I believe
to anyone else ... not with rational argument, and not with evidence. Those are
elements of the scientific method. They're not applicable, and they don't work,
in matters of faith.
The answer is crystalline solid. Crystalline solids have a regular arrangement of particles, because of that, they possess definite geometry.
This means that if you take a look at the crystal under the microscope you would notice that there is a pattern that constantly repeats. This pattern is called a unit cell, and crystal is made up of stacked unit cells.
Move the decimal point until it is behind the first non-zero digit.
In this case, we move it 3 places to the right so it is behind the 9.
Therefore, 0.0097 = 9.7×10⁻³.