Vapour pressure of solution is 78.151 torr
Molar mass of biphenyl = 154.21 g
Molar mass of benzene = 78.11 g
19.2 g biphenyl = (19.2/154.21) moles of biphenyl = 0.125 moles of biphenyl
33.7 g of benzene = (33.7/78.11) moles of benzene = 0.431 moles of benzene
Total number of moles = (0.125+0.431) moles = 0.556 moles
Mole fraction of benzene in solution = (0.431/0.556) = 0.775
According to Roults law, vapour pressure of solution made from non-volatile solute = 
Here solute is biphenyl and solvent is benzene
So, vapour pressure of solution =
= 78.151 torr
Solutions from highest to lowest freezing point:
0.040 m glycerin = 0.020 m potassium bromide > 0.030 m phenol

= Depression in freezing point
i = van'T Hoff fcator
= Molal depression constant of solvent
m = molality of the solution
Higher the value of depression in freezing point at lower will be freezing temperature the solution.
1. 0.040 m glycerin
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 1 ( organic molecule)
m = 0.040 m

2. 0.020 m potassium bromide
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 2 (ionic)
m = 0.020 m

3. 0.030 m phenol
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 1 (organic)
m = 0.030 m

Solutions from highest to lowest freezing point:
0.040 m glycerin = 0.020 m potassium bromide > 0.030 m phenol
Nitrate of most of the elements are water soluble . Aluminium nitrate is also one of them . Aluminium nitrate is easily dissolved in water . It forms hydrated salt whose formula is as follows
Al( NO₃ )₃ . 9H₂O
It is a white crystalline salt . It is also soluble in alcohol.
If we consider a structure in which a carbon is bonded to two three carbon chains and a branched alkane then the branched alkane is a 2 carbon chain with a ethyl on Carbon 1 then the correct name of the structure is <u>4-(isopropyl)heptane. </u>
The two three carbon chains bonded to the carbon atom will form the parent chain of this structure and this chain will have 7 carbon atoms in it.
Since this chain is that of an alkane and it has no functional group attached so the root name will be heptane.
Now, we have to add a prefix by naming the branched alkyl chain. The branched chain has 3 carbon atoms in it with a methyl group on carbon 1.
So, this name of this group will be propyl.
The position of this propyl group is 4th on the parent chain so the full name of the structure will be 4-(isopropyl)heptane.
To know more of branched alkane here
The definition of a Lewis acid and base is: Acid is any substance that can accept a pair of nonbonding electrons, while that a Base is a species that contains a nonbonding pair of electrons, and in the reaction in the question:
SO3 + H2O -> H2SO3 + 2 OH-
We have SO3 as the conjugate base of the acid H2SO3 and H2O is acting as an acid in this occasion, therefore the answer is Acid