1) the quality of purchased good may be low
2) there might me fraud and cheaters
3) it might be risky
4) we may not get our orders on time
code reviewer
In this scenario, the project manager should advertise for a code reviewer. Usually a development team has at least 2 code reviewers that are very familiar with the code that is being written for the project. Once sections of code have been completed it is usually the case that both the project lead and a code reviewer both review the entire software to look for bugs and note improvements that can be made to make the code more efficient.
This question doesn’t make any sense I guess it will rust
A. Document camera
Document cameras, which are also known as visual presenters or visualisers, digital overheads, or docucams. They are real-time image capture devices for displaying an object to a large audience. Just like an opaque projector, a document camera is able to magnify and project the images of actual, three-dimensional objects, as well as transparencies. They are, simply put, high resolution web cams, that is mounted on arms so as to facilitate their placement over a page.
This makes it easier and convenient for a teacher, lecturer or presenter to write on a sheet of paper or to display a two or three-dimensional object while the audience watches.
In Theory, the document camera can be used to display all objects.
Gwen only needs to place her photo under a document camera and deliver her speech while the image will be displayed for the class.
I've had that problem before. The cause of my problem was 2 things and that was the age of the cable, and build up of dust on each of the cable.