Although the models are not provided, I was able to find them and the beakers with solid present in them are:
This is determined by the fact that the beakers all have a piece of closely packed substance laying at the bottom. This closely packed lattice is characteristic of solid substances, and the fact that they exist in the solution in the solid states indicates that they are insoluble.
The first 50 elements along with their valences are given below :
1. Hydrogen = 1
2. Helium = 0
3. Lithium = 1
4. Beryllium = 2
5. Boron = 3
6. Carbon = 4
7. Nitrogen = 3
8. Oxygen = 2
9. Fluorine = 1
10. Neon = 0
11. Sodium = 1
12. Magnesium = 2
13. Aluminium = 3
14. Silicon = 4
15. Phosphorus = 3
16. Sulphur = 2
17. Chlorine = 1
18. Argon = 0
19. Potassium = 1
20. Calcium = 2
21. Scandiun = 3
22. Titanium = 3
23. Vanadium = 4
24. Chromium = 3
25. Manganese = 4
26. Iron = 2
27. Cobalt = 2
28. Nickel = 2
29. Copper = 2
30. Zinc = 2
31. Gallium = 3
32. Germanium = 4
33. Arsenic = 3
34. Selenium = 2
35. Bromine = 1
36. Krypton = 0
37. Rubidium = 1
38. Strontium = 2
39. Yttrium = 3
40. Zirconium = 4
41. Niobium = 3
42. Molybdenum = 3
43. Technetium = 7
44. Ruthenium = 4
45. Rhodium = 3
46. Palladium = 4
47. Sliver = 1
48. Cadmium = 2
49. Indium = 3
50. Tin = 4
<u>Note</u> :
An element like Iron, copper can have more than one valencies.
- The correct option is C.
- Formation of a precipitate
During a chemical reaction, new substances are formed known as a products, mostly reaction occur and their product is obtained as precipitates.
Arylidene-2-thiobarbituric acid is obtained as precipitates when aldehyde and thiobarbituric acid react to each other.
melting of a substance
It is just indication of physical changes, like melting of ice, composition remained same as before.
boiling of a substance
It is just indication of physical changes, like boiling of water into vapors, composition remained same as before.
freezing of a substance
It is just indication of physical changes, like freezing of water into ice, composition remained same as before