Answer: b} The exact time when an individual atom will decay can be accurately predicted.
c} After each half-life, the amount of radioactive material is reduced by half.
All radioactive decay follows first order kinetics.
Rate law expression for first order kinetics is given by:
k = rate constant
t = time taken for decay process
a = initial amount of the reactant
a - x = amount left after decay process
Expression for calculating half life, which is the time taken by the half of the reactants to decompose is:

The biggest reason is radioactive wastes. Nuclear power generated radioactive wastes like Uranimum, plutonium and amercium that inhibits gene expression and causes cancer to the environment. Nuclear plants use to release these wastes into the oceans, and it causes fishes to exhibit gender change, 3 eyes, 2 tails etc. The impact on human shows signs of serious blood, liver and lung cancers.
There are currently no way to get rid of these wastes as they take hundred thousands of years to decompose.
Another reason is they cause a small amount of green gas emission. Releases CO2 to the sky. They exhibit radioactive gas emission as well (causes cancer) .
They form a covalent bond
Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden's experiment proved that every atom has a nucleus and that this nucleus is of positive charge and contains the most of the mass of the atom. 0.005% of the volume occupied by the electrons is the volume of the nucleus.