The crabs cannot see the plankton they eat near the ocean floor. For the crabs to see the plankton, some color of visible light would need to reach the plankton so that it can be reflected into the crabs' eyes.
An exchange reaction consists of both synthesis and decomposition reactions.
Here’s a complex example: AB + CD → AC + BD.
Another example might be: AB + CD → AD + BC.
Carbon dioxide is moving out of the living things.
The food materials eaten by living things contain carbon in the form of complex organic matter. When living things feed, they ingest this complex organic material into their bodies.
During the process of digestion, this complex organic material is broken down to give glucose. Glucose is the energy molecule in living things. Excess glucose in the body is stored as glycogen.
During cellular respiration, glucose is broken down to release carbon dioxide. Hence, at night when the giraffe has stopped eating, cellular respiration continues to occur and carbon dioxide is released, that is, carbon dioxide continues to move out of living things at night.
all together you have 13
you have to add all them together
•boiling and freezing point
•surface tension
•vapor pressure
• solid state
•liquid state
•gaseous state