The answer is: activity-based management.
For all the technology coming out of China today, its rural community is still very primitive. Farmers in the Western World have found ways to scientifically improve their growing techniques. Crop rotations allow for nutrient rich plants to regenerate the soil every other year. Also letting a field go fallow one years allows for recovery of soil. There are many other ways the West is improving their crops and educating new farmers in agriculture science. However, southeast Asian farmers to do not have access to this technology or sometimes computers/internet. They are using the same techniques that they have for over a thousand years. Until education is available for them or they are taught different they will continue to use the same techniques taught by their father. Even to the detriment of their land.
you have to ask a question if you don't see what you need
A company controls the market for a good or service
(Q, R) = (1555, 1400)
shortage imputed = $0.388
Lot size-reorder point system is one of the multi period models. This system is denoted by decision variables (Q, R). This multi period model is implemented when there is uncertain demand in inventory control.
nevertheless, in the simple EOQ model, demand is known and fixed. But when the demand is random, these lot size-reorder point (Q, R) systems allow random demand.
There are two decision variables in a (Q, R) system:
Order quantity, Q and
Reorder point, R
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