1.) Government Corruption
2.) Insufficient Funds
3.) Loss of Job Opportunities
4.) low economic growth
5.) Minimum wages are not sufficient enough to support families
Renaissance humanism was a revival in the study of classical antiquity, at first in Italy and then spreading across Western Europe in the 14th, 15th, and 16th centuries. During the period, the term humanist referred to teachers and students of the studia humanitatis—meaning the humanities including grammar, rhetoric, history, poetry, and moral philosophy. It was not until the 19th century that this began to be called humanism instead of the original humanities, and later by the retronym Renaissance humanism to distinguish it from later humanist developments. During the Renaissance period most humanists were religious, so their concern was to "purify and renew Christianity", not to do away with it. Their vision was to return ad fontes to the simplicity of the New Testament, bypassing the complexities of medieval theology. Today, by contrast, the term humanism has come to signify "a worldview which denies the existence or relevance of God, or which is committed to a purely secular outlook".
The majority of bills introduced to the US Congress in any given year die in the committees, this is simply because most bills that are introduced are not good or important enough to be passed.
Among the reasons that may cause a bill to "die in committee" we have: the bill is uproperly written, the bill deals with an issue that is not considered to be important by the committee, the bill is a duplication of an existing law, or the bill was never meant to become a law in first place.
Republic party? or democratic
True the Hindenburg was the ship that exploded over lakehurst new Jersey.