First off 3/9 and 6/9 are already common denominators. In some fractions you would need to find the least common denominator like in a problem like 1/2 + 4/5. Also 3/9 plus 6/9 results in 9/9 and 9/9 equals 1. Most fractions adding it subtracting results in a pan answer as a fraction but in this case it’s a whole number.
57,838.4 - 57,491.9 = 346.5 miles
346.5/17.5 = 19.8 miles per gallon.
Hope this helps :-)
Step-by-step explanation:
"The demand was so high for the concert tickets that the concert manager posted a tweet on social media saying that the quantity they had, wasn't enough for the amount of people that wanted to buy concert tickets."
Step-by-step explanation:
Quantity in economics is the amount in total of the product there is.
Demand in economics is how much the consumer is willing to buy the product that is being sold.
A sentence using the two words quantity and demand about concert tickets would look something like this: "The demand was so high for the concert tickets, that the concert manager posted a tweet on social media saying that the quantity they had, wasn't enough for the amount of people that wanted to buy some of the concert tickets."
Hope this helps.
Its 90 because its a L shaped will means its 90