Multiply 2/3 and your number. If you have a whole number, convert it to a fraction by putting it over a denominator of 1. When multiplying fractions, calculate numerator times numerator, then denominator times denominator. For example, to find two-thirds of 18, multiply 2/3 x 18/1 to get 36/3.
Step-by-step explanation:
If the mark-up was 21%, then the final price is 121% of the original price. Simply divide $1,539.13 by 1.21 to get the original price of $1272.008264
Multiply (x/6) by 6 to get common denominators and then you can simplify equation to 6x=15, divide each side by 6 answer is x=2.5 or 5/2
Sending care packages is a way to:
ARemember relatives who served incorrect answer
BSupport deployed soldiers incorrect answer
CDonate to military charities incorrect answer
DTeach the history of Memorial Day
Step-by-step explanation:
There is 1000 milliliters in a liter. So we're gonna work with thirds. One third is already filled, so that means two thirds is not . So 4 liters fills up 2/3 which we can infer that 2 liters fills up one third of the area... so there is 6 liters in total. Which means there is a total of 6000 milliliters of paint.