Answer: Yes I would agree since the king had all the powers they couldn't nessesarly critic him but they did boycott the stamp act and even create their own stamp. So yes agree :)
A biological species<span> is a group of individuals that can breed together (panmixia). However, they cannot breed with other groups</span>
Answer: they could not promote national unity sufficiently but they formed a stronger federal government.
Explanation: The Federalist administrations of George Washington and John Adams could not sufficiently promote national unity because of the conflicting beliefs of their political parties. John Adams was elected and served two terms under George Washington as vice President and a single term as President. Both men had great passion for the Republic but were different in many ways.
They were however able to form a stronger and more authoritative federal government. They achieved this through the enforcement of taxes and enactment of several laws; in this they found common ground which strenghtened the powers of the federal government.
Answer: Salvia (Salvia officinalis), también llamada salvia común o salvia de jardín, hierba aromática de la familia de la menta (Lamiaceae) cultivada por sus hojas picantes. La salvia es originaria de la región mediterránea y se usa fresca o seca como saborizante en muchos alimentos, particularmente en rellenos para aves y cerdo y en salchichas.
La salvia se encuentra en su estado natural salvaje de España.