Answer A: The two important quantum-mechanical concepts associated with the Bohr model includes:
1) that electrons are particles moving in separate or individual orbitals.
2) electron energy is quantised into shells.
Neil- Bohr model structure of atoms shows that electrons of atoms appears in orbits of different energy revolving around the nucleus. He also described how these electrons can have one energy level at a time, that is, the electrons are quantised in shells.
Answer B: the two important refinements resulting from the wave mechanical atomic model includes:
1) that electron position is described in terms of a probability distribution.
2) electron energy is quantised into both shells and subshell.a and each electron is characterised by four quantum numbers.
Explanation: Wave mechanical atomic model was created by the Physicist Erwin Schrödinger. He refined the work of Bohr by using mathematical equations to describe the likelihood of finding an electron in a certain position. Rather than defining the exact path of an electron like in Bohr method, he predicted the odds of the location of the electrons.